Battle Ground Junior High of Mr. Rufus Winters' class, Grade 8 (B8e).

(Sherry Johnson-Worthington caught my error. Not 7th grade but 8th grade!)
Battle Ground High School Graduation Class of 1962
My Thanks to the many of you who provided feedback!

Mr. Winter's class, Grade 6? or Grade 7?
Back Row
(B8e-a1) Bob Mason, (B8e-a2) Bill Beebe, (B8e-a3) George Mahoney, (B8e-a4) Mike Tester, (B8e-a5) Don Rich, (B8e-a6) Gary Wolbert (not Larry Gilbert),
(B8e-a7) Joey "Joe" De Rocco, (B8e-a8) Larry Williams
Middle Row
(B8e-b1) Mr. Rufus Winters, Teacher, (B8e-b2) Vern Dollar, (B8e-b3) Sharon Francis, (B8e-b4) Kenny Lindberg (not Kenneth Norton), (B8e-b5) Glenn Schmidtke, (B8e-b6) Philip Snow,
(B8e-b7) Dave Wedin, (B8e-b8) Mimi Nylund, (B8e-b9) Doug Ault, (B8e-b10) _____________
Front Row
(B8e-c1) Carolyn Krauche, (B8e-c2) Sherry Johnson, (B8e-c3) Linda Bradford, (B8e-c4) Sheryl Lang, (B8e-c5) Sandra Bechtold, (B8e-c6) Rusty Krogh,
(B8e-c7) Evie Sasse, (B8e-c8) Marlice McNeil, (B8e-c9) Evelyn "Evie" Kangas